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Math and Natural Sciences

Who we are

Math and Natural Sciences includes Mathematics curriculum and Math Centers on all campus; biology, chemistry, physics and general science curriculum, along with multiple, well-equipped science labs on all campuses; and introductory freshman- and sophomore-level engineering courses.

Our Mission Statement

A primary purpose of Math and Natural Sciences is to provide support to all academic areas of the college with math and sciences courses, from development through fully transferable offerings. Another objective is to offer gateway engineering courses for students planning to continue their education at the University of Nebraska- Lincoln.

Department Contacts

Cathy Brunkhorst, Interim Dean of Math & Natural Sciences, 531-OPE电子竞技官网-2423

Mary Reasor, Academic Affairs Associate, 531-OPE电子竞技官网-1332


Math Faculty

Manar Al-Suqaier
Kandyce Arnold
Adriel Baltimore
Khaled Banihani
Scott Brewer
Jen Doorlag
Chad Haugen
Zhongming Huang
Michelle Jansen-Griswold
Joseph Lee
Robinson Luke
Rachel Neurath
Amanda Olson
Steven Reller
Thankam Samuel
Nathan Stanley
Emily Van Hook
Marcia Vergo
Dustin Waderich
Li Westman
Dawn Zuber

Science Faculty

Lois Bartsch
Kaiguo Chang
Jackie Clifford
Jose Conceicao
Carla Delucchi
Dylan Drake-Wilhelm
Jeba Inbarasu
Lance Johnson
Bhaswati Manish
John Masters
Amy McGill
Rachel Meyer
Joseph Sherwin
Kendra Sibbernsen

" class="hidden">河北美术学院